How to stop people pleasing (… so much)
I added “so much” to the title of this because I’m always wary of making grand claims on this little blog of mine. I’m not going to sit here and say, “GUYS. Guys, I’ve figured it out. I know how you can stop people pleasing. And thankfully, it’s concise enough for me to explain in a blog?! How convenient is that?”. No, sorry - just no. Subjects like people pleasing…
How to cope with impostor syndrome
Have you ever felt like you’ve gotten where you are because of some crazy fluke? Like you’re totally winging it and waiting for the day others find you out? You’re not alone. This, dear reader, is impostor syndrome and apparently around 70% of us have experienced it. So either a lot of us are impostors, or there’s something else going on. And I think we all know, we’re not really…
Finding space and navigating self-doubt
Something I’ve come to realise recently is how important taking time and space for yourself is when it comes to navigating with self-doubt. Ever since recovering from anorexia and building my self-worth, I’ll admit that I haven’t *really* struggled with self-doubt. Especially when it came to blogging and my job. This could be because I’ve been doing both for a long time and I feel very comfortable in each role.…
How to get out of a negative thought spiral
We’ve all been there right? Something happens that triggers a negative thought, your inner critic takes that thought and runs with it, until you’re spiralling and paralysed by fear. This happened to me pretty recently but I was able to claw my way out relatively quickly. So I thought today I would share the process I went through to do that and how it’s helped me communicate with my inner…