Small habits that lead to big changes
Change doesn’t happen all at once. It’s very rare that one action we take makes a lasting change in our life. Instead, change comes from the culmination of lots of small steps we take - often in the form of habits. Building habits that encourage growth is therefore key if we want to make a change. When I say change here, I mean moving forward in creating the life you…
Dealing with uncertainty
Pretty much everyone on the planet is dealing with uncertainty right now. And while it’s for a pretty awful reason (the coronavirus pandemic) there is something comforting about the fact that we’re all in it together. I’ve seen a lot of ways humans are connecting with one another through their phone or laptop screens and it’s heartwarming. It doesn’t take away from the fear however. The fear of uncertainty. How…
It’s OK to go slow
There are so many things in life that can feel like a race. I wonder if I’m feeling it extra hard because a) I’m over 30 (and being over 30 seems to carry a weight of expectation) and b) I’m in the online business world (and competition/comparison can feel pretty damn real here). Or perhaps it’s something we all feel. Like there’s a rush to succeed, to accomplish… to reach…
Facing your fears
Fear is like that overprotective, overbearing relative. It tells you it has your best interests at heart, but its methods are a little OTT. It tells you all the things that could go wrong and advises you to just steer clear. It’s one of the most human emotions, fear, and it could actually be pretty dangerous if we didn’t have it. I listened to a brilliant episode of the Invisibilia…
Coping with change (an anxious girl’s guide)
A while ago I wrote about how new experiences shape our happiness and mentioned here that I struggle with change. Even though ultimately things pretty much always work out well, there’s this fear I have to battle with every time. Every time I’ve moved house, I’ve cried myself to sleep the first night. I’m in a strange room, it doesn’t feel like home yet and everything’s different. I even remember…
How new experiences shape our happiness
If I had to pick a favourite film, it would probably be ‘Into the wild‘. The music, the writing and of course the incredible (and true) story of Christopher McCandless. One of my favourite quotes from this film is: “The core of man’s spirit comes from new experiences.” When I first watched the film and heard it, I felt like I’d been slapped in the face by some unknown spiritual…