*New* workshop

5 Steps to Build Quiet Confidence

This is for:

Anyone who doesn’t believe *they* can be confident.

Anyone who identifies as shy, quiet and/or introverted.

Anyone who has a preconceived notion of what confidence looks like.

Anyone looking to connect with like-minded people for gentle support and accountability.

What you'll get:

An understanding of what confidence means for you.

Ideas to increase your sense of self-worth and self-trust.

Practical steps to help you build quiet confidence.

Your first small confidence challenge.

The opportunity to join an accountability group for the month of August (hosted on Instagram) to support you with your challenge.


Has confidence always felt out of reach for you? That your personality type just can’t be confident? I used to be right there with you. Labelled ‘shy’ and ‘quiet’, the typical representations of what it means to be confident felt alien to me.

Over the years I’ve realised there is another way. Confidence can be a quiet inner knowing. Something stable, calm and centred. This is what I want to teach you.

My aim is that after this workshop you’ll feel:

  • More grounded and sure of what your ‘brand ‘ of confidence is.
  • Strong and centred.
  • Resilient and aware that no matter what happens… you’ll be OK.

Practical details

Where: Zoom | When: 4th August 6-7pm | Cost: £20

If you can’t attend live, don’t worry - I’ll be sending out the replay afterwards.

(although please note only those who attend live will get the chance to join the accountability group in August).