Hello friends! I wanted to post very quickly to let you know that things may be a little quiet on the blog this week and next week.
Me and my partner Dan are moving to a lovely flat in Guildford on Friday and I’ve struggled to get any blog content written and pre-scheduled, so I decided to take my own advice, be kind to myself and take a mini blogging break.
I’ll be back very soon and have a long list of post ideas….
Until then, I did manage to write and schedule the January monthly musings newsletter which is all about change and, more specifically, coping with anxiety about change. So make sure you sign up before Sunday 28th if you haven’t already and don’t want to miss that.
Also today the lovely Karen from 365 Pearls of Wisdom posted an interview with me in her ‘Her Wisdom’ series, which I’m incredibly flattered about! The rest of her blog is a dream too, check it out.
I’m sure I’ll be hanging around on Instagram and Twitter over the next couple of weeks too, using all my data until we get Internet sorted (eeep).
As soon as we’re settled and Internet is connected I’ll get back to my usual blogging schedule, Wednesdays and Sundays. Until then, pray to the moving gods for me…
Kat x