Monthly mindscape - solo
And just like that, we’re halfway through 2019. How is your year going? How about those goals or words you set at the start of the year? I always think the summer is quite a nice time to stop and take stock of everything, noticing changes that have taken place, shifts in priorities. But, I’m not here to talk about the passing of time, but instead to celebrate another month…
Monthly mindscape - open
I hope I’m not alone when I say - where is this year going? Things seem to be moving very quickly, but I’m not actually mad about it. Things feel quite in flow for me at the moment. I feel energised, excited and free. I guess when there’s less resistance in the form of stress and worry, time can feel pretty fluid. I’m also very happy to be on my…
Monthly mindscape - spark
So there’s a little pre-scheduling magic taking place today as I’m writing this before my week off *everything*, and in fact when you’re reading this, I should be on my way home from Bristol after a lovely weekend with Dan (Aw, I hope future me enjoyed it). I’m sure I’ll write a post delving into how my break was, but for now - it’s Monthly Mindscape time. The blog…
Monthly mindscape - spring
It’s time to sprinkle a little creative writing into the blog with another monthly mindscape. These posts are sometimes my favourite ones to write. They give my mind free reign. I don’t need to think about takeaways, research or structure. I just find a photo on Instagram that makes me flush with excitement and let the words flow. This month, it was this image by Inna (@ineshka) that stopped me…
Monthly mindscape - Unfinished
In my last monthly mindscape post I commented that February would probably be ‘just as cold and dark as January, but feel a little more bearable’. Well, how wrong was I! We’re currently enjoying balmy temperatures of 17 degrees and beautiful sunshine-y days. Aside from the slight frown of concern about what this means for climate change and global warming… I’ll admit it’s done wonders for my mood. The month…
Monthly mindscape - Sunday
We’re officially out of January! Hurrah! For some reason this year January felt even longer than usual. Pay-day seemed like a shiny mirage in the distance and the days stretched out like the frost on my windscreen. And while I know February is probably just as cold and dark, it just feels a little more bearable. Could have something to do with it being my birthday month too, any month…
Monthly mindscape - dizzy
OK, hands up who else is officially ready for a festive break? *puts up own hand* This year has been pretty great, but I am so ready to slow down. And with this in mind, I’ve decided to slow things down here on the blog too. When I thought about the things I have planned for the Worthy Humans Unite Facebook group and looked at my current schedule, I realised…
Monthly mindscape - reflection
Today could not be a better day for me to sit down and write some fiction. I’m feeling a little swarmed by real life and am excited to hide out in a camp of fictitious words. Fiction is great for escapism, don’t you think? Today’s story idea is being sparked by this beautiful shot from Molly Stroud, writer, photographer and all-round inspiration. This photo, which uses Molly’s hashtag #lets_be_vulnerable, jumped…
Monthly mindscape - space
Just yesterday I was sat in a pub garden having lunch, today I’m on my sofa with a candle burning listening to the rain lash against the window. Autumn is being a little indecisive so far it seems, but I’m kinda loving it. After last month feeling full of energy but also a little tired, I took a few days off to reset before heading into October and it was…
Monthly mindscape - renewed
OK, who else has serious back to school vibes this week? Even though I haven’t been in education for… a very long time, I still feel its energy when August folds into September. At the weekend I didn’t have any plans for Sunday and found myself getting very restless. I wanted to throw everything in my wardrobe away and start again. I wanted to dye my hair dark and start…