Subtle shifts
There are some subtle shifts happening around here - you may have noticed updated website copy and social media bios (or you might not!), but I wanted to give some space to the changes I’m making and why. After trying to launch a coaching business and subsequently burning out in 2020, I took a break and realised I wanted to focus on education - experimenting with courses, workshops and e-books which I’ve…
How to build confidence in yourself at work
No matter what type of work you’re in, whether you’re employed or self-employed, I think all of us know how it feels to lack confidence at work. We question ourselves constantly, our inner critic tells us we’re not good enough, perhaps we work all the hours under the sun to try and feel good enough. This lack of confidence can eat away at us, opening up old wounds and affecting…
How to separate your worth from your productivity
Detaching your sense of worth from your productivity and work is a big topic and one I see a lot of people struggling with, whether you work for someone else or for yourself. If you love what you do and give it 100%, it’s easy to link the work you produce with your sense of worth. For business owners, this can be even more pronounced. You started your business for…
Picking yourself up after a fall
Last month I wrote about some mistakes I made when I first started coaching, sharing the lessons I learnt along the way. Today I want to take a broader look at that situation and talk about how we can cope when something doesn’t go the way we thought it would. Maybe you’re a business owner and your latest offering didn’t do as well as you hoped. Maybe you made a…
Why my first session as a coach ended in tears (and what I learnt)
This is one of those posts I’m scared to share, but I think it’s an important one. When we make career decisions that involve trying something new, there is *always* a learning curve. But I feel like this curve is very rarely talked about or shared. Many of us (myself included) want to give the impression that we’re immediately great at this new thing. We share when things go well,…
How self-care impacts your business
If you run your own business, whether full-time or on the side of a day-job, you’ll know how easily it can consume you. This business, this idea you’ve had, it’s just that - yours. And it’s tightly packed full of hopes and dreams. So it’s perhaps unsurprising that you want to spend a lot of time on it. But this time, is limited. In the beginning stages especially, chances are…
Are you making an impact?
Every now and then, I’ll ask myself why I’m bothering with all this blogging and coaching malarky. There’s usually a trigger for this feeling. Maybe an instagram post will bomb, a newsletter triggers more unsubscribes than normal or I’ll just go through a period of time when it feels like I’m just shouting into a void. But then, just when I feel ready to throw in the towel, I’ll get…
The importance of not working to refuel creativity
I took a break from work recently; 5 days away from social media and 12 days altogether with zero thoughts about work and… honestly? It’s been one of the best things I could have done, both personally and professionally. As you’ll know if you follow me online, I was beginning to feel exhausted by work, including my day-job, this blog and coaching work. Marketing myself, ‘showing up’ and being consistent…
How to stay consistent with your content (without burning out)
A comment I sometimes get from those who follow me online is how consistent I am with my content. It’s worth saying here that creating content, whether it’s a blog post, a newsletter or even an instagram story, can be…. a lot. Individually it may not seem like much, but pull all of the different strands together and - well, that’s a big old tapestry of content. Here’s a breakdown…
Why is everyone becoming a coach?
If you’re in the online business world, I’m sure you will have noticed that lots of people are becoming coaches. I knew, even when I launched my coaching services last year, that people might roll their eyes and think to themselves “not another coach.” And as it turns out, I was right! When I announced my new services to my newsletter subscribers, some of my long-time subscribers unsubscribed. This is…